Tuesday 26 October 2010


Take a look at this:

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Everything is amazing.

I have Kieron and...
A baby on the way!

Fo srs. 10 weeks pregnant ^^


Monday 16 August 2010

OMG, I made hell

Oakland Raider Fans, The New York Yankees
Circle I Limbo

Hipsters, Riceboys
Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Democrats, Osama bin Laden
Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

Steve Jobs, General asshats
Circle IV Rolling Weights

Rednecks, George Bush
Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

Trixies, DMV Employees
Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

Parents who bring squalling brats to R-rated movies, Bill Gates
Circle VII Burning Sands

PETA Members, Militant Vegans
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

Republicans, Scientologists, Creationists, The Pope
Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Design your own hell

Dead Forever

I told him this would be the last time my heart could be broken.

Ben, I love you. I'm so sorry.

Sam's memorial tomorrow... I feel worse for Linzi though. She isn't to blame for his death. Drinking with him doesn't mean it's her fault he was punched.

It will never be your fault.

Thakyou for the hugs, Kieron.

New life rating:

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Sunday 1 August 2010

44 of Forever

I wonder how many times
I can glue these ropes back together,
And how many holes I'LL need to stitch
By the time YOU realise that I'M

Far from perfect,
And still need to learn
That honesty is best
And touching another is wrong.
And really I'M a beast
With a taste for innocent blood,
And I'LL tread on YOUR fingers
While YOU'RE holding on for dear life.

I wonder how many times
YOU will accept my apologies.
I promise I'M not lying
When I'M saying sorry,
Or I wouldn't tear it in MY flesh,

To make ME far from perfect
And still needing to learn
That beauty doesn't exist
And OUR lives are never long.
And I'M some sort of monster
Who will eat YOUR weak heart,
And tread on YOUR grave
To lay the flowers I made of MY skin.

And still I wonder if,
YOU were to read this,
And understand
How much YOU'RE giving up,
And realise
How much I will hurt YOU,
And Imagine
Just how much I love you,
And what I'M giving up,
And how much I'M hurting,
And Just how much I love,

I wonder if YOU would keep ME,
Even though I'M

Far from perfect,
And still need to learn
That love still exists
And that what MY mind tells ME is wrong.
And that MY heart will tell ME
What is right and what is real,
And take ME to MY death
With a smile and with YOUR hand.

And can YOU make ME perfect
And help ME somehow learn,
That YOU really do love ME,
And that YOU can make ME strong.
And not to be afraid of
Letting it all out to YOU,
And walk with ME forever
And make MY flowers bloom.

And the others never meant a thing.
The whole time I was thinking of YOU.

Tuesday 27 July 2010


I'm so happy for "Lauren", darling, you have no idea how happy it makes me to know that you are happy and in love. Don't ever let her go!

Speaking of love...

Ben, omfg. I love you, even though you annoy me a little sometimes. And you are lazier than me, wtf. And even though you will probably die long before I do. But it's worth it. I fucking love you.

Also, rated my life again:

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

click the link to see my previous rating: clicky!!!

Wednesday 14 July 2010

I write like Dan Brown

I write like
Dan Brown

I Write Like by MĂ©moires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Thursday 8 July 2010

My lovelies~

I am going to create my alter ego, properly. So The alter ego owns this blog, now has an email address, a deviantart, soon a facebook...

Maybe I won't exist soon...

Saku Filth's email: sakufilth@pornotypefilth.jp
Saku Filth's DeviantArt: cyanide-butterflies.deviantart.com

As for mine... go fuck yourself. That's private.

Tuesday 18 May 2010


Go look!!!!


Also, I've decided I'll be doing a Q&A. Comment with questions~

Thursday 15 April 2010


Dir En Grey Relationships by IHeartKakashiSensei
What is your name...?
Friends forever! Who is it?Shinya
Just like in a romance novel, your secret lover isDie
The brother you never had...Toshiya
Somebody has a crush on you!Kaoru
Watch out! This one stalks you...Kyo
Your first kiss was from...Kyo
He always wants your attention...Kyo
How sweet... He would do anything for you...Kaoru
Ooh! This one wrote a song for you...Toshiya
Uh oh! Who got you pregnant?!Toshiya
In the end, you should be with...Die

Sooo... which Dir en grey member did you sleep with? by Yumejin
Your Name
Favourite candy
Who started it?He
Any... specialities?Cucumbers...
Was he good?*moan*
Does he want it again?He rants to you about his great relationship with that other band member...

Which DEG Member do you sleep with?
by ikky
username is
favorite color is
you sleep withDie
your position isyou sitting, him standing
the action occurs ina no-tell motel
afterwards heleaves

Your Dir en grey Life by Aristica
Desired Diru Guy
Desired Career
Date You Meet Your ManApril 2, 2019
What Went DownKyo wanted to rape you
And Then?Die insisted he take you to his place
So Is That It?Yes - you woke up

Which Dir en grey memeber would you take to your family dinner? by Totchi-kun
Your name:
You would bring:Shinya
Family's first impression:"Yeesh.. He looks kind of funny. Oh well, can't judge a book by it's cover."
What you had for dinner:PB and J Sandwiches
How did that go?:My date kind of scared everyone at the table by his looks.
Alcohol?Beer... tons of it.
Dessert time?Ice cream.
Aftermeal activities?My family just stared at him, kind of scared.
Last words from you family:"Come back some time!"
Your thought:Well.. that went well!

What do Dir En Grey think of you? by Mariko
Favourite color
Kyo hateswhen you don't wear skirts
Die thinks you looklike a schoolgirl
Toshiya wannacosplay with you
Shinya ignored his dogafter Kaoru told him he found your underwear
Kaoru said you'rekinky

Which Dir en grey member did you annoy? by Yumejin
Your Name
Favourite word
How did you annoy him?You mistook him for a comedian
How did he react?He chased you
Does he forgive you?Yes

Which Dir en Grey Member Will You Marry by Akito
Favorite Dir en Grey Member
Favorite Dir en Grey Song
You will marryShinya
You will meeton a blind date
Afterwards he'll sayNeed a lift, I'll take you to my dreams.
You'll get marriedApril 8, 2042
You'll love him
And he you

Dir en grey meme

What year did you first hear Dir en grey?
Umm... A couple of years ago methinks...

If you remember, what song was it?

Top ten favourite songs? Oh mah gawds....
01) Ain't Afraid to Die
02) The Pledge
03) Mushi
04) Bottom of the Death Valley
05) Red... [EM]
06) Amber
07) Glass Skin
08) The Final
09) Jesus Christ RnR
10) Ryuu

Five least favourite songs?
01) None
02) of
03) them
04) at
05) all

Got a favourite remix?
To be completely honest, I hate all of the remixes.

How about a favourite La:Sadie's song?
Has always been Lu: Ciel

Favourite member?

Favourite album?
A tie between Vulgar, Withering to Death and Marrow of the Bone

Least favourite album?

Favourite track off 『Missa』?

Favourite track off 『GAUZE』?
Tsumi To Batsu

Favourite track off 『MACABRE』?

Favourite track off 『鬼葬』(kisou)?
Bottom of the Death Valley

Favourite track off 『six Ugly』?
Mr. Newsman

Favourite track off 『VULGAR』?
Red... [EM]

Favourite track off 『Withering to death.』?
The Final

Favourite track off 『THE MARROW OF A BONE』?
The Pledge

Favourite track off 『UROBOROS』?
Glass Skin

Favourite live?
hide memorial summit

Favourite PV?

Is Kyo's voice sexy?
Hell yes

VK or current?
I like the VK style, but I like the more recent music... oh fuck knows

Should they play more of their older stuff outside Japan?
I would like it if they did

Favourite ballad-ish song?
The Pledge

Have you seen them live?
Yes, Rock City and Download

Best song to fall asleep to?
The Pledge, Mushi and Namamekashiki Ansoku, Tamerai ni Hohoemi

Best song to headbang to?
The rest of them XD

Yaoi fan fiction?
I am partial to it, yes.

Sunday 11 April 2010


Fuck Takeru.

I want Byou. Even if he does look slightly orange in the the "Wailing Wall" PV. He is hot and dirty as hell. I fucking love him. He is OBSCENE!!!!


Thursday 8 April 2010

Epic long blog entry

By Leyla's request, I am writing a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong entry. Joy. So, first on today's agenda:


Queenie, oh how I hate you. It's a shame that when you came to Derby, you missed me shouting "Prince Phillip got me up the duff" and "Death to the monarchy". You hats are annoying. So is your voice. Please die now, I'm bored of you.


I hate you all too, you fucking skanks. Although, the hours of entertainment I get from smearing your makeup, ripping out your hair extensions and watching you waddle after me with your huuuuge baby bumps is a good enough reason for me not to exterminate you all.


On HG/SS, their is a swimmer called Elmo and the rival says "Why so serious?" That is all. OH AND IT IS FUCKING ORGASMIC. Ok, that really is all.


He fucks with my head. The fucker. Stupid cunt. ><


Chu know I still love you, you muppet. I miss chu, we have to get stoned together sometime!!!!! Naked wedding = brilliant idea.


I love talking to you all, chilling with you all and blazing with you all. XD


I love you two, but please stop making worms and apples sexual. THE IMAGE WILL NEVER LEAVE MY MIND. I CANNOT UNSEE IT.


(Names ommited to tease you all. Also, 'tis only a short extract.)

"Although he was trapped by a complete stranger, B felt only lust for the small yet shokingly strong man before him. S pushed B roughly to his knees, and sat astride him. Their mouths clashed together roughly, and B let out a sharp gasp when S bit down on his lip. B felt the other kiss and bite his neck, his chest, he felt his shirt being torn from his pale torso, he felt the soft lips travel down his body, moaning every time S dug his teeth into B's skin. As S slowly removed B's jeans, B felt drops of blood trickle down his chest from the bite wounds. S's eyes lit up at the sight of the blood, and lapped it up as he grasped B's naked length."

That is all for now. :D I am so mean. Can you guess who B and S are?


I love it. So fucking much. Who ever thought not being selfish would be so rewarding?


I want to fuck Takeru, so baaad. What the hell? I'm gay and he scares me and and and I should be saying ewwww. But damn, he is fiiiine.


Sunday 4 April 2010

Get naked!

1. I need a shag.
2. I feel fat.
3. I want to do some nude moddeling, for some reason.
4. I need a fag.
5. Fuck that, I need a spliff.
6. I was to go urban exploring.
7. I want some looooove.

Saturday 3 April 2010

New blog header

Been a bit of a poser today, new pictures! See the rest at www.facebook.com/phsycofairy

For those interested, my life is absolute shit. But I'll cope, I always do.


"Watashi wa Aya, Watashi wa Shinda."

Friday 2 April 2010


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/sakufilth

Sunday 21 March 2010


Sunday 28 February 2010

Oh please

I need this porn... click the link for me? cus if I get referals, I get nekkid pics XD


Good mother fucking weekend


I got mashed at Josh's. Bud and booze, omnomnom. Perksy shagged Meg, jelous much! Then Perksy fingered me, fuuuck. He wouldn't let me get away, it was a bit fucking scary. But his hand round my neck was hot. South Park is amazing when stoned, fuck yes. Hotboxing Josh's room with the smoke machine was mint. And Jakey is so cuddly :3 I feel like a prat for kissing him. Got home like, an hour and a half late because I fell asleep on Jakey.


Got my arse in to town, still mashed off my head. I saw Luke, he moaned at me for not smoking a half ounce with him the night before :D I rang Kirsty and met her at Rivers, and some HUGE fight was going on between hot Meg (a different Meg) and Tash. Tash is such a slag. We wnt to chill for a bit under the bridge, I met some sexy people, Kelly's hair is hot, and April is cool. we smoked a bit of bud, then headed into town with Josh. I bought Kirsty a coffee, then asked her out. She said wait 3 days. I spent the whole day crying over Katty. Tash told Kirsty's mum that Kirsty smokes weed, OH MY FUCKING GOD I WANT TO FUCKING KILL TASH.

Headed to Josh's, was pure laughs. Smoked from a bong, little Alex was so cute smoking. Bless, he is adorable. We walked around in our underwear for ages. And oh my god, Nadine is one hell of a good fuck. Shit, she is hot! I worried about Kirsty though, I still do.

Hell mother fucking yeah, my weekend kicked ass.

Saturday 20 February 2010



I beg of you all, please join.

I texted Kirsty this morning. Around ten minutes ago, I got a text from her friend.She won't move, talk, eat. I'm beyond worried.

Sunday 14 February 2010



Happy Valentine's day to everyone.

Especially to Katty <3

Monday 8 February 2010

Failing so badly

465 calories so far today. 700 when I get home.

I have started designing my dress for the fruits catwalk and my slutwear for the JCC concert. 8 months left to finish them.

Saturday 6 February 2010

Thin Is In. Ana is the way.

Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork.

Your stomach shouldn't be a waist basket.

A diet is the penalty we pay for exceeding the feed limit.

More die in the United States of too much food than of too little.

Albert Einstein, who discovered that a tiny amount of mass is equal to a huge amount of energy, which explains why, as Einstein himself so eloquently put it in a famous 1939 speech to the Physics Department at Princeton, "You have to exercise for a week to work off the thigh fat from a single Snickers."

If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for they are sticking to their diets.

To lengthen your life, shorten your meals.

You can't lose weight by talking about it. You have to keep your mouth shut.

My advice if you insist on slimming: Eat as much as you like - just don't swallow it.

We never repent of having eaten too little.

Not afraid of heights - afraid of widths.

If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner.

Obesity is a mental state, a disease brought on by boredom and disappointment.

Another good reducing exercise consists in placing both hands against the table edge and pushing back.

You can never be too rich or too thin.

You want food? Look at those THIGHS!

The only freedom left is the freedom to starve.

Time spent wasting is not wasted time.

Bones define who we really are, let them show.

Do you really want to be that weight for the rest of your life!?!?

Giving in to food shows weakness, be strong and you will be better than everyone else.

Fridge pickers wear big knickers.

Eating the wrong foods is what helped me to gain weight.

Eat less, weigh less.

Food is the we all must quit.

Those bones don't mean I'm skinny, they mean there's more to lose.

Ask me to show you perfect and I will show you a thin person.

Starving is not pain, it's the cure.

Happy or sad, rich or poor, it's better being thin.

Thin is a Skill.

Is food more important than your health, your appearance, your quality of life???

What's in your lips today is in your hips tommorow!

Thin has a taste all its own

Calories can't make you happy.

I don't take the first little bite; I don't begin. I have no problem

Keep yourself awake. If you sleep, you aren't burning calories.

The more they give me, the less I'll eat.

Brain cells come and go, but fat cells live forever.

One of life's mysteries is how a 2-pound box of candy can make a woman gain 5 pounds.

Starve my pain away, make me beautiful, make everything ok, turn my problems into bone, crush them up, gather the remains, blow away the dust.

Thin is beautiful but even thinner is perfection.

Thin is forever.

I do eat: only what is needed for . I can't help it that we live in a piggish society where gluttony is the norn, and everyone else is constantly stuffing themselves.

Every time you say "No Thank you", You say " Yes Please" to Thin

The greasy fry, it cannot lie, its truth is written on your thigh

Eat to live, but don't live to eat

Hunger hurts but starving works

Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.

If I eat anything, I'll eat everything, so I eat nothing.

Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.

Every calorie you eat equals another step toward destruction.

Starving is not pain, it's the cure

Blessed are the starving, for they shall teach us not to want.

Within me lies a treasure hunt, when I lose- I win.

I'm not yet a winner. I could be thinner. So I must go throw up dinner.

A flat stomach is nice, but a concave one is perfect.

You aren't defeated when you lose, your only defeated when you quit!

Do not give up on what you want most, for what you want at the moment.

What the scale says is the most important thing.

Losing weight is good/gaining weight is bad

Being thin and not eating are signs of true willpower and success.

Like a plant, surely the body can be trained to exist on nothing - to take it's nourishment from the air.

The difference between want and need is self control

Stop poisoning your body with food.

If you have weight to lose, lose it. It wouldn't be there if you weren't supposed to lose it.

Every time I have the opportunity to eat, I have the strenght to refuse.

An ordinary girl, an ordinary waist - but ordinary's just not good enough today.

Know that the pain will pass... when it passes... you will be stronger, happier, and more aware.

Everything I want to be, I am, only buried under a layer of fat.

Strict is my diet, I must not want.

Ana, my friend, my companion.

My scale is never happy, neither am I.

Good girls don't swallow

If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner, And take to light claret instead of pale ale; Look down with an utter contempt on butter, And never touch bread till it’s toasted - or stale.

This is my personal challenge for me. I'm going to try so hard! Laugh at me if you want; I wont let that effect me. I can do this, Only I can let myself fail.

I dream of things, you laugh at. You laugh at me for making goals that are too high. You make fun behind my back, because I reach them

I strive for perfection, I drive myself on that. My dream may be far off, but each kilo that falls off, I am one step closer than before. Knowing I am getting closer, gives me energy to keep going. So I do not give up.

An imperfect body reflects an imperfect person

I'm not starving myself. I'm perfecting my emptiness

Thinner is winner

I can get thinner. I can cut it all off. I can wear low slung Levi's and crop tops and long straight dresses like willowy models, and I will grasp with the breathlessness of being airborn. I can fly and be free. I never realized how easyit was.

I, the hunger artist, rarely disappoint my audience

If you aren't thin, you aren't attractive.

Being thin is more important that being healthy.

Thou shall not eat without feeling guilty.

You've made a decision: you wont stop. The pain is necessary, especially the pain of hunger. It reassures you that you are STRONG, can withstand anything, that you are NOT a slave to your body, that you don't have to give in to it's whining.

I've freed myself from this compulsion of eating. When I wake, I am empty, light, light-headed; I love to stay ts way, free and pure, light on my feet, travelling as a feather.

For me, foods only interest lies in how little I need, how strong I am, how well I can resist each bite. Acheiving another small victory of the will. Each gain makes me stronger, purer, larger in my excersizes of power, until eventually I see no reason to eat at all.

Perfection is easy - it equals not being fat.

There will be long, lean days ahead... Desire can be quelled by a single act of will.

Greed begins where need ends - and we need nothing. Eating is against the rules. Crying is against the rules. You are strong, don't let them break you. They are trying to destroy you.

Remeasure, reweigh, try harder

The more they give me, the less I'll eat.

Dear Ana,
I know I'm undeserving,
But please,
Grant me the willpower to turn down food,
Give me the strength to ignore my hunger,
Help me be what you want me to be,
Help me be perfect,
So I can be loved.

They always say they're concerned about me, about my health, when all they want to do is control me. They want to pin me down and force-feed me with lies, with what they call
love. Like prisoners everywhere, all I have left is the power to refuse.

You will be tempted quite frequently, and you will have to choose whether you shall enjoy the twenty minutes or so that you will be consuming empty calories, whether you will cordially despise yourself for two or three days for lack of willpower.

One day I will be thin enough. Just the bones, no disfiguring flesh. Just the pure, clean shape of me, bones. That is what we all are, what we're made up of and everything else is just storage, deposit, waste. Strip it away, use it up.

Quod me nutrit, me destruit. (That which nourishes me destroys me.)

Why can't they realize my strength, how much it's taken to make so little of myself?

It's simple: you decide once and for all that you aren't going to eat, and there is no further decision to make.

when the light hits me, I don't leave a shadow behind.

Sunday 31 January 2010


You are so beautiful, more so when wet with blood...

I'm so glad you broke my heart, I'm so in love now, I couldn't have this without losing you first.


Sunday 17 January 2010


Beth: Imma Firin' Ma Lazaaarrrr POWWWWWW!
shoopdawoop. ♥


Beth: Lmfao, we are WAAAYYY too cool ;D
Guess wut.
I shall be back at College on Tuesday, gutted for you ;) ♥

Me: Oh we are ;)
YA WAT? Biiiiatch >< XD

Beth: Oh. Oh. Fine then. No, just no, i'm just not gonna talk to you on Tues now so FFFFFFFUUU. ♥


Beth: Oh no, you've gone and upset me now so :3

Me: What if I come to class naked? XD

Beth: ...I guess I might talk to you for a little bit then. ;)

Me: Oh yeah ;D *diessssss*

Beth: Thats you sorted then. No birthday suit for you XD

Yus. You made me into a zombie.

Beth: I think those zombie MOTHER FUCKAAAA's should die ;)


Beth: You realise you just created a Zombie killing squad to kill YOU? Nobbbbb :P

Me: FOR GREAT JUSTICE!!! I sacrifice myself for the greater good!

Beth: Goodo, you zombie freak :)


Wednesday 13 January 2010

Victorian Maiden, Level 46.

Ever met another lolita who seems to know it all? Fabulous hair, mincing steps, and some sort of savoir-faire that you're missing? Ever wanted to know how to 'level up'? You're not the only one. How do you jump from ita to lolita extraordinare? Well, you use this handy level-counter of course!

Each criteria is a level. Add up your total and then put yourself into a category. Repost this to your own blog, website, or journal, bolding the ones that apply to you, and then show your score/level at the bottom. The only rule is that you must add one lolita 'level' to the list!


You've been to egl.
You've posted on egl, without an onslaught of 'USE THE MEMORIES' and likewise.
You've bought a lolita mook.
You've picked a favorite brand.
You've ordered your first item.
You've worn a full outfit.
You've worn a full outfit out in public.
You've worn a full outfit and posted photos of it on the Internet.
You know what JSK, OP, and cutsew all mean.
You've bought your first brand piece.
You know your measurements.
You know you shoe size - in American, European, and Japanese.
You know who Mr. Yan is.
You know who Mana is. (+1 points if you know his band. +2 points if you know his brand. +3) points if you know why he's featured in every GLB. +4 if you have a shrine to him in your closet.)
You know who Maki and Asuka are. (+2 if you've met Maki and Asuka).
You've watched Kamikaze Girls. (+1 if you know the real name of this movie. +2 if you know who wrote the book this was based on. +3 if you've also read the manga or novel. +4 if you love the author despite his criminal record.)
You own a wig. (+1 if you own more than 2.)
You own a pair of falls.
You can identify lace on the spot.
You can identify an item's brand on the spot.
You can identify the year a dress was made by a specific brand on the spot.
You can name several different dresses or prints.
You answer stock photo requests.
You mod a lolita community.
You decorate your nails. (+1 if you wear fake nails. +2 if you make fake nails.)
You own a pair of a rocking horse shoes. (+1 if you know their abbreviation.)
You've made your own rose corsage.
You've made anything out of your brand dress's waist ties.
You've made anything out of a matching eco tote. (+3 if you were the first one to do it, you think).
You know how to apply false eyelashes.
You know how to pronounce shirring.
You know how to pronounce Moi-meme-moitie, or Metamorphose tempes de fille.
You know a reliable shopping service.
You bid on Yahoo!Japan or Mbok.
You've been to a meetup.
You've planned a meetup.
You've planned a meetup with catering or more than 20 attendees.
You've met up with lolitas while on vacation to foreign or faraway locales.
You've seen a lolita fashion show.
You've seen a brand fashion show.
You've modeled in a lolita fashion show.
You've modeled in a brand lolita fashion show.
You wear bloomers.
You know how to make bloomers.
You tell other people to wear bloomers.
You draw lolita art, write a lolita blog, or provide the community with some sort of creative services.
You've taken purikura in lolita.
You've decorated your room/house/apartment in lolita style.
You've listened to lolita music.
You've learned kana.
You've learned enough Japanese to read a magazine.
You wear or own circle lenses.
You've been called a princess by a young child.
You've dressed up a friend.
You've convert a friend.
You've been in media (television, newspaper, magazine). (+2 points if it's Japanese media.)
You've learned a handicraft, like jewelry making, embroidery, or sewing.
You've become a lolita mentor.
You've attended lolita events at an anime or multi-genre convention.
You’ve organized or presented lolita events at a convention.
You've visited a brand shop.
Trip to Japan!
You've dressed up and gone out alone.
You're prepared for inclement or colder weather in lolita (coat, parasol, boots, gloves, other climate-specific items.)
You've learned face contouring.
You've made a lolita valentine.
You've got a lolita pen pal or online lolita friends.
You have local lolita friends.
You know how to modify clothes that don't fit you.
You know how to dress for your body type.
You've been in a street snap.
You've been to multiple world locations of the same brand store (BABY Paris, BABY Tokyo, BABY San Francisco, etc.)
You've created a makeup/hair/sewing tutorial.
You've sold hand-created lolita goods.
You have your own lolita fashion line.
You've gotten a lolita haircut, style, or color.
You've mixed other street fashions with lolita.
You've thrown a lolita party/had a lolita wedding.
You've dressed your child/small children in lolita or kodona style.
You've successfully cross-dressed in lolita style at least once (boystyle for girls and girls' clothing for guys).
You've lolified or made sure all the contents of your purse are cute (wallet, lipgloss, keyring, etc.)
You have a lolita pet (small dogs, cats, rabbits, exotic birds, fancy fish) or have dressed/accessorized your pet (bows or pet clothes).
You've dressed your significant other or dated someone who dresses in J-fashion/alternative fashion.
You've read Alice in Wonderland. (+1 if you've seen the animated movie or other variations, +2 if you've seen more than one variation, +3 if you own more than one variation)
You've dressed as Alice or another Wonderland character in lolita style, or own Alice themed items.
You've made something from a Japanese pattern.
You've found, bought, or made lolita underwear (bras and panties).
You wear lolita daily, or have gone 7 days straight wearing only lolita.
You have lolita calling cards or business cards.
You play a lolita instrument (i.e., piano, violin, harp, French horn... well any instrument really.)
You can translate yen to your country's currency in your head. (+1 if you can convert other currencies you shop with as well. +2 if you read the news to know how the yen is doing.)
You've sold lolita clothing online (secondhand, egl_comm_sales).
Your article or entry has been put into the egl memories.
You take photos of your outfits/daily outfit photos.
You’ve posted to daily_lolita.
You own a petticoat. (+1 if you own more than one. +2 if you wear three or more at a time).
You’ve bought a lucky pack.
You keep a style diary or look-book.
You can put together an outfit made entirely from offbrand.
You’ve bought offbrand or non-Japanese brand.

Adorable Admirer (lvls 1 - 20) You've started studying or liking lolita but haven't taken that leap of faith yet. Good luck!

Resplendant Rufflebutt (lvls 21 - 40) At home within the land of the rufflebutts and spilling frills from every edge.

Victorian Maiden (lvls 41 - 60) A classy lolita of taste and experience, who knows her way around the lolita social set.

Starry Celebrity (lvls 61 - 80) On page six of the lolita world, you've risen to the ring of the upper crust.

Pretty Princess (lvls 81 - 100) Lolita royalty, truly versed in the ways of the lacey ones, the lolita princesses have achieved a special level of enlightenment.

Ultimate Lolita (Boss Fight!) (lvls 100+) Wow, you've gotten over 100 levels? You're the ultimate lolita with unlimited hitpoints. That's actually a little scary...

Given I don't even have one full co-ord, I am quite proud of myself ^_^

Tuesday 12 January 2010


There is only one flower left...
Just one...

It is white for now. Not yet fully bloomed, waiting.
Never will it be red.
Now black.

Because you left that beautiful flower, that beautiful rose.
You never saw her bleed.
Never loved her, not once.
You never kissed her, or held her.
You didn't warn her, or bid her farewell.

I'd say it is uncaring, but I know I'd do the same...
I tried my hardest...
I will always understand, know what it feels like to be like you...

You don't believe me, but I know.

Please, please stay.

Friday 1 January 2010

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Happy new year

I've been catching up on blogs.

I can't stand being mentioned in Leyla's blog.

And Leyla is honestly the biggest bitch ever.